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Weekly Dev Update 7
More Game-Dev | Vacation | Focus Game Dev Since beginning to work on my game, I haven’t made many posts on the blog. I have been engrossed in the project from head to toe. I haven’t ever found any project quite so fun to build and the challenges have been enlightening.
Part of what convinced me to make a game, was watching a video by Jonathan Blow, discussing that, when you get good at one kind of programming, it creates a plateau.
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Weekly Dev Update 6
GoGameDevDiscord This week I made a Discord Server for Game Developers using Golang:
GoGameDevProgress My own game written in Go is coming along. I plan to make a full post about my experiences so far. I have had a ton of trouble with it, however, I am really proud of what it is and has accomplished so far. I still have many hurdles to overcome, so just one hurdle at a time…
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Weekly Dev Update 5
Professional API Research At work, I had been given the opportunity to do a ton of research into what API we plan to use for a service. Never have I been required to go this deep on the documentation of several different API’s, their pricing plans. Going back and forth with our analytics team to see what exactly we needed. It forced me to flex my brain in a very different way.
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